The Pablo de Olavide University will have sports schools next year

The event was also attended by María Victoria Tirsa, Sports Delegate of the Dos Hermanas City Council; Rocío Bastida, Councilor for Employment and Citizen Education of the Consistory of Alcalá de Guadaíra; Javier Gálvez, dean of the UPO School of Sports Science; Africa Calvo, general director of Sports of the institution; and Eduardo Jesús Fernández, director of the Banco Santander office at the University, reports the academic institution.

The Sports Schools were born as an innovative, quality organization, at the service of training and collective, personal and sports development, and which positions the University as a tool for social transformation. “This project responds to the mission of promoting, developing and promoting sports practice in society, especially among the university community, contributing to social progress under the principles of respect and equality,” explained the rector of the UPO.

For Oliva, the UPO’s commitment to sport is “full” because sport translates into well-being for both the university community and society. With the creation of this project, the Pablo de Olavide University takes another step in contributing to the improvement of people’s quality of life through the promotion of good habits and values. The importance of internalizing certain guidelines in the practice of sport from an early age under the supervision of experts, achieves an approach to sport from rigor and knowledge.

The * Sports Schools of the UPO try to promote sports practice by making available to citizens the strengths that the University has: a new institutional structure, with the creation of a specific vice-rector for Healthy and Sports Campus; high-level sports facilities that are part of a single campus, specific research centers or specialized teaching and research staff.

Thus, developing, promoting and consolidating sports practice through Schools and competitions, reinforcing the training and acquisition of professional competencies of university students, through curricular practices, or favoring the research of the university community in academic works, are the The main objectives of the project, as explained by Fernández, its promoter.

Both the Schools and the future Sports Club, to which the vice-rector referred during the presentation ceremony, are sports agents of the UPO, open to society and whose purpose is training and support for research, from the beginning of sports to high performance. In this sense, this project is supported by both those responsible for sports in the municipalities of Dos Hermanas, Alcalá de Guadaíra and Seville, and by private entities such as Banco Santander.

“We can consider that there is a direct beneficiary of the project: the university community,” Fernández affirmed, “but also the people who belong to the three municipalities with which we share a municipal term may be social and economic beneficiaries, thanks to the signing of a collaboration agreement that recognizes those enrolled in the Schools or Club as a university community “


UPO Sports Schools are born with the following disciplines in both male and female categories: athletics, badminton, basketball, handball, soccer, paddle tennis, acrobatic gymnastics, rugby, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, break dance, sport climbing and skateboarding. It is a differentiated sports offer by promoting three sports that will be Olympic in Paris 2024 and with great acceptance among young people: break dancing, sport climbing and ‘skateboarding’.

In short, the UPO Sports Schools represent a project that the Pablo de Olavide University wants to share with the municipalities of the province and that, in addition to positioning the Pablo de Olavide University at the sports level, offer a new academic perspective in the way of understanding the practice and sports development. The period for pre-registration opens from May 31.



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