The NFL returns to London in 2021! | Touchdown Actu (NFL Actu)

After a year of absence due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the NFL will be back in Europe. According to The Athletic, the league has scheduled in the 2021 calendar, which will be revealed tomorrow, two games in London.

From 2007 to 2019, the NFL organized 28 meetings in the British capital, and Roger Goodell’s desire to return to the United Kingdom as soon as the pandemic is over has never been a secret.

“We will obviously stay in touch with our partners and make sure to organize this in the safest way. »Declared the commissioner in February.

The Jaguars and the Falcons will be the two teams that will “host” these meetings. It’s a habit for Jacksonville, being the franchise that has played most often in London, 7 times already. Atlanta had already announced its arrival in Europe in early April. Both matches will take place at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, the home of the homonymous club.

On the other hand, the NFL did not return this year to Mexico, as it had done since 2016. A decision motivated by the pandemic situation in the country.


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