The lower grades who broke the bones of the face in the upper grades… Teachers return home without action


[아이뉴스24 한상연 기자] In an after-school class in elementary school, an incident occurred in which an upper grade student indiscriminately assaulted a lower grade student, breaking the bones of the face.

According to the education community on the 24th, 3rd grader A, who was taking badminton class as part of an after-school class on the afternoon of the 20th at an elementary school in Seo-gu, Gwangju, was assaulted by 6th grader B.

The two students had a dispute during the dodgeball game played to warm up before the full-fledged class, and it was reported that Group B assaulted Group A at this spot.

The teacher in the class was found to have returned Group A to the house without any action, such as taking Group A bleeding to the infirmary or reporting it to school officials.

Upon receiving the news, the parents of Group A took Group A to the hospital for examination. As a result of the examination, Group A underwent an urgent surgery after 12 weeks of anterior dissection, including a broken facial bone and a cracked skull.

It is known that school officials, such as the principal and the homeroom teacher, who recognized the situation late after Group A went to the hospital, apologized for the incident.

After the incident, the school has excluded the teacher from work and is grasping the details of the incident with the students who have witnessed it.

The school said, “Safety education for teachers after school is being conducted from time to time.”

He said, “We will thoroughly investigate and take action on this case according to the principle of victim-centeredness,” he pledged to “do everything possible.”

/ Reporter Sangyeon Han([email protected])



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