‘The 41 dance’: Mabel Cadena wore a 15 kg dress in the Netflix movie – movie news

The production values ​​gave a special touch to ‘El baile de los 41’, from locations attached to reality to impressive dresses worthy of the time. Did you know that Mabel Cadena wore a 15 kg outfit during filming?

On many occasions we underestimate the production values ​​in Mexican films, despite the fact that these are just as important as a solid cast, proactive photography or a talented direction.. The seventh art is played as a team, this came to remind us of El baile de los 41, a film starring Alfonso Herrera and Emiliano Zurita; who sported natural mustaches that they allowed to grow for more than a year and elegant tailored suits as they were used in 1901, but nothing compares to the physical and mental delivery of Mabel Cadena, who had to wear a dress that was around 15kg in weight.

To this we must add long hours during a day of filming, the warmth of the lights on the sets and, of course, the total dedication in her performance as Amada Díaz, daughter of the ex-president Porfirio Díaz and of whom we will tell you what happened to her after the scandal in which her husband, Ignacio de la Torre, was involved. It was during an interview with Unotv where the also protagonist of The Goddess of Asphalt shared what were the most important challenges related to the wardrobe.

This tightness of the corset plus 15 kilos of clothing on top, helped me to build the entire internal world of Amada.

There is no doubt that the wardrobe department headed by Rocelia Evans put emphasis on the materials and design in each of the pieces used by the protagonists. This reminds us of Beloved’s own nightgown and how at the moment of putting it on and noticing Ignacio’s small change within his own house, the weight of the clothing moves Mabel’s arms and denotes her considerable weight.


Mabel Cadena wore a 15 kg dress in ‘El baile de los 41’, can you imagine carrying all that weight for long hours of work?


The work of Cadena, who we also remember for his work in the series Hernán as Doña Luisa with Óscar Jaenada and Michel Brown, not only focused on building his character in depth, but also took lessons “Embroidery, calligraphy, horse riding, badminton and Alfonso and I were taught to play the piano, everything you see in the film is actually done by us …”

I am a super perfectionist in my work, I usually have a table job with a lot of discipline and having colleagues like Alfonso and Emiliano, who are just as intense, everything was easier.


If you look closely, various pieces of Amada Díaz’s wardrobe actually looked extremely heavy.

Did it make you want to see the film directed by David Pablos (The Chosen) again? We do not blame you, knowing these aspects in the preparation of each actor, especially Mabel Cadena, who has received positive reviews everywhere, they make us see both the film and the story in which it is inspired from another perspective.


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