Success made in Germany – Wolfsburger Nachrichten


Erfolg made in Germany

Frank Rieseberg

30.05.2021, 19:37

Reading time: 2 minutes

“Victories in the Champions League – a fantastic series of German football coaching skills.”

How is German football doing? Excellent! Despite DFB leadership chaos, despite a national team that has had more successful days than last. And despite the largely early elimination of the German teams in the European Cup competitions. Because it is the makers of absolute success who come from Germany, the trainers. Jürgen Klopp won the most important European club trophy in the Champions League with Liverpool FC in 2019. It was followed by Hansi Flick on the way to an incredible record that Bayern Munich set last season with six championship and cup wins. More is not possible. And now Thomas Tuchel with Chelsea. A fantastic series of German coaching art.

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