Soufflenheim. Soon a badminton sports section in college

The local club, recognized beyond regional boundaries, is its privileged partner. More specifically, the section will aim at the physical, moral, cultural and intellectual enrichment of students through the in-depth practice of a sport. In addition to the regular schedules, two weekly training sessions of 1.5 hours, Mondays and Thursdays, will be on the program.

20 students will be selected

Developing a taste for effort, developing autonomy, acquiring a team culture or training as a young referee within the framework of the UNSS: these are the ambitions of the sports section. Applications are open to current CM2 students (future 6e ) and current students of 6e (future 5e ) registered or not registered in a club. 20 students will be selected through a test that will take place on Wednesday, May 12 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Legal representatives can now request and submit an application file to the college, before April 16. Contact: 03 88 86 61 79 or [email protected]


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