Prime Minister Suga is motivated to avoid unattended audiences at the Tokyo Olympics “Can respond to baseball reference”: Tokyo Shimbun TOKYO Web

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga at a press conference = 28th, Prime Minister’s Office

On the 28th, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference following the extension of the state of emergency that he was “playing baseball and soccer under the state of emergency” regarding the presence or absence of spectators at the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. He acknowledged that it is possible to hold the event with the audience.

The government had stated a policy of no spectators in principle when the state of emergency was announced in late April for large-scale events such as professional sports, but when the declaration was extended in May, a maximum of 5,000 spectators could be accommodated. Relaxed as. In professional baseball, soccer, and the J-League, there are cases where spectators are involved in games even in areas subject to the state of emergency.

With these movements in mind, Prime Minister Suga said, “We are taking proper measures to prevent the spread of infection within a certain level.” “We can think about how many people will be admitted by referring to various things. I think we can handle it,” he said.


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