PGA: Mickelson has a date with history | sports

Phil Mickelson is 50 years old and has a date with history. The American is the leader of the PGA Championship, second big of the season, with seven strokes under par, one ahead of Brooks Koepka and two over Louis Oosthuizen, and this Sunday (from 19.00 to 1.00, at Movistar Golf) he will seek to become the oldest winner in the history of the greats of golf.

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The current record belongs to Julius Boros, who won a PGA at the age of 48, in 1968. Jack Nicklaus won the 1986 Masters at 46. Mickelson, who will turn 51 on June 16, and who is also playing the senior circuit American, the Champions Tour, can enter the encyclopedia. It would also be his sixth major, after already wearing three Augusta Masters, a PGA and a British Open (the US Open, in which he has been second six times, has especially resisted him). Taking care of his physical condition and his diet, and the passion for golf of a man who has been playing Grand Slam tournaments for 30 years, have placed Mickelson in an unprecedented situation.

His great threat will be Koepka, the lord of the greats, who at the age of 31 already collects four major pieces. Mickelson will have to use his best game and experience in these ditches. This Saturday he defended a good income that was tightened in the final holes. In 12 he added a bogey when he failed the fairway and went to the bunker, and in 13 his ball was bathed in the water, which triggered a double bogey after failing the last putt. In two holes he had given up three shots and his spirits had shrunk.

Then Mickelson, a hero of the fans, resisted to end the round with a rent blow on Koepka and knock this Sunday at the doors of history.

Full PGA rating.

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