Pep Guardiola announces the arrival of Sergio Agüero at FC Barcelona

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In Catalonia, the media say it smells very good. After ten years at Manchester City and 184 goals scored in 275 Premier League matches, Sergio Agüero (32) is about to join FC Barcelona. The international albiceleste (97 selections, 42 achievements) must even initial a two-year lease and will receive an estimated salary of € 5 million per season.

Agüero, a rookie with the ideal profile for the Blaugranas. First of all because it arrives free of any contract. Plagued by a catastrophic financial situation, the Spanish club can no longer spend fortunes to strengthen. Then, Agüero is an experienced player who has the enormous advantage of being close to Lionel Messi.

Guardiola happy for Barça

At a time when the Culés are trying to convince La Pulga to extend his lease, the future ex-Mancunien has all the assets that can tip the scales in favor of the Blaugranas. In any case, the Kun’s arrival at Camp Nou is no longer in doubt. Especially since what released Pep Guardiola at the microphone of the BBC, when celebrating the Citizens’ title in England.

“I am almost certain. Maybe I’ll betray a secret, but maybe it’s close to a deal with the club of my heart, Barcelona. He is going to play with the best player of all time, Lionel Messi, and I am sure he will have a good time and that he will make Barça stronger when he is on the pitch ”. In three sentences, Guardiola has therefore almost formalized the arrival of Agüero to Barça and may have announced the end of the Messi soap opera. Unless…


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