NBA: The eruption of a volcanic Jayson Tatum (50) takes the pride of the Celtics to be in the playoffs

Lyou Boston Celtics landed in the play-in after being one of the worst teams in the NBA in the final month of the regular season (firm a balance of 7-10). However, those from Massachusetts showed their winning gene when push came to shove and took the ticket to the playoffs after defeating the Washington Wizards for 118-100 in a match marked by Jayson Tatum figure.

The eaves He showed again that any plan of the Celtics to green old laurels passes through his figure and he claimed for himself the status of great star of the league with a game to remember when his team needed him most. Tatum signed some maysculos 50 points (14 of 32 in field goals and five of 12 from the triple), to which he added eight rebounds and four assists.

The ‘all star’ de Boston exploded in the second half with 32 points, which allowed the Celtics to come back from a crash that lost by two points (52-54) at halftime to some Wizards who were surprised after returning from the locker room (22-4 of partial for Brad Stevens) and they could barely do anything to contain Hurricane Tatum.

Along with the forward, the good game of Kemba Walker, who scored 29 points to help the Celtics get the 7th place in the Eastern Conference. A position that takes them directly to the playoffs where They will meet the Brooklyn Nets of Kyrie Irving, Kevin Durant and James Harden. The Wizards, meanwhile, will have a new opportunity against the Indiana Pacers, who beat the Charlotte Hornets in the first game of the play-in.

The couple formed by Russell Westbrook y Bradley Beal He was once again the reference of the capital team, but they were not enough to contain a heroic Tatum. Westbrook finished the game with 20 points, 14 rebounds and five assists., while second highest scorer of the season firm 22 goals, nine sacks under the hoops and six basket passes. Good numbers that were not reflected on the scoreboard, which forces them to have to take one more step to reach the goal of the playoffs.

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