Marcus Rashford dreams of Real Madrid and FC Barcelona

Marcus Rashford (23) is one of Manchester United’s best players but also one of the leaders of this team coached by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. The striker, trained by the Red Devils, has never worn a jersey other than that of the Mancunian club. However, the one who has found the net 21 times and provided 15 assists in all competitions this season, is not excluded from the idea of ​​a change of air during his career. And he obviously has a very specific idea in mind.

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“If I would like to play abroad?” I will never say no. My ideal club? Other than Manchester United? I am a big fan of Real Madrid and Barcelona because they have always had great players and have always played attractive football. Everyone is watching Real Madrid and Barcelona ”, dropped Marcus Rashford in an interview with Guardian. As a clue to his next destination?


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