Judo team Holten stays fit with running, yoga and cycling

The board trained “together alone” via an app and stayed fit and healthy despite the lockdown blues.

The board of the Judo team Holten was on a sporty astray, with good reason: Together despite Lockdown Do sports and the inner Bastard declare war – this is what many amateur athletes are currently feeling. Alexandra Hagenguth, Kirsten and André De Nicolo as Jennifer and Christian Petrich of the judo team therefore agreed to meet via the free Teamfit app for “Together alone” training.

With the help of the app, the Holteners closed Board members together as a team and set the common goal 20,000 points to collect in a week. The points could be over Endurance sports how To run, To go biking or Inline Skating can be achieved as well as via invigorating Workouts. So everyone found the right discipline for themselves.

“Above all, the fun consists of getting around the internal team ranking to fight. Nobody wants to be the last one! ”Explains press attendant Hagenguth.

“At the same time, it’s great for the team feeling, because nobody can achieve the goal on their own, but everyone is online tired. With this you finally experience yourself again as a community and defy the lockdown blues. “

Encourage others a little

“Maybe we will too other courageto emulate ourselves, because a little Perseverance, until regular sports activities are possible again, is definitely still necessary ”, adds youth warden Kirsten De Nicolo.

The Motivation In any case, the Holtenern involved was so great that the required points had already been reached well before the deadline had expired – incentive enough for the judoka to be “going astray” not to be satisfied with this: “We are taking part in the Climax challenge in the Teamfit-Community and compete with teams from all over Germany. ”The executive team of the JTH 63rd place among over 900 registered teams.

More at www.judo-team-holten.de.

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