Ed Mylett – The day he lost his shorts



Ed Mylett



Ed Mylett lost an important game on his eighth grade basketball team because of his shorts. It should be the worst and at the same time the best day of his life …

He lost his shorts when the whole team took off their sweatpants while warming up. Ed ran towards the basket and only noticed during the practice throw that he had lost his shorts when he took off. He only wore his underguard because he wanted to play baseball afterwards. Everyone in the gym laughed. His trainer and team formed a circle around him and escorted Ed outside to find a pair of shorts.

The shy boy, who only played basketball because his father urged him, was so shocked that when he was fouled in the final seconds of the championship game, he missed two free throws that would have given his team the win.

Worst and best day

It was the worst day of his life, but surprisingly it turned out to be the best day of his life.

That evening at baseball camp, Eddie was hitting balls into midfield when none other than MLB legend Rod Carew watched, saw Ed and offered to take care of him. The encounter with Carew gave Ed the confidence that eventually enabled him to play college baseball.

While an accident prevented a career in MLB, Ed became very successful as a finance professional and advisor to athletes and celebrities.

Difficult childhood

Ed’s journey to faith and tremendous success began in Diamond Bar, a 56,000-soul town in California, where he grew up in a small house with an alcoholic father who he feared would turn violent at any time. Ed’s childhood burden is now the subject of his motivational speeches.

In addition to the story of the missing shorts, Ed talks about “Ray Ray”, the “punk” neighbor who made the whole school ridicule him with “Eddie, spaghetti, your meatballs are done”.

Big tears

One day after being teased by Ray Ray as usual, seven-year-old Eddie went home and cried at Mama, who hugged and comforted him. When the gruff father heard the crying and stomped out, he ordered Eddie to go to Ray Ray immediately and beat him up. Otherwise he would go to bed without dinner.

Startled, Eddie knocked on the door of the tattooed, shirtless Big Ray, Ray Ray’s father. “Big Ray, my daddy says I have to come over here and kick Ray Ray’s ass or I can’t come home for dinner,” he said, horrified. Maybe he was hoping Big Ray would use parental wisdom and postpone the fight, but that wasn’t the kind of father Big Ray was …

The fight

“I like this kind of party,” said Big Ray’s father. “Let’s do it.” He immediately called his son. Eddie shivered as the boys competed against each other. Ray Ray had beaten him up over and over again. Even now he pounced on him.

But suddenly Ed had Ray Ray in a headlock “and I gave him a rub”. Eventually Big Ray pulled the boys apart. “He got you,” he said to his son and ordered them both to shake hands. Eddie went home to eat. And what was there? Spaghetti.

The detail

Ed tells the story to encourage people to face their fears and overcome difficult challenges. But there’s one more detail in this story: Eddie was seven years old and Ray Ray was four.

His mother, he said, had once heard him tell the anecdote, omitting the age difference, and insisted that it be a little more detailed. “Why is that even relevant?” He joked. To be bullied by a child almost half his age was embarrassing, even years later.

Today his audience laughs at these anectors, but the punch line is just coming: «The thing that you fear most, the thing that keeps you from being successful, the thing that you are putting off in front of you is really just a little punk, that you could easily defeat if you only dared to try. “

Strong lessons

These are the life lessons Ed took with him that helped him overcome difficulties. And he also encourages others to do this, for example with tweets like «Give everything to God today. She surrenders all of your burdens, difficulties, fears and concerns to the greater power».

He himself learned to overcome difficulties with the power of God. When an injury in college prevented him from imposing himself for Major League Baseball, he went back to his parents’ apartment, directionless and depressed.

“Believe it or not, that’s where my business career began with hundreds of millions of dollars,” he says. “It all started in my little bedroom, where I lived with the same posters on the wall and the same teddy bear on the bed as when I was a child and ate out of my parents’ fridge without a job.”

Life changed

His father got him a job at the McKinley Home for Boys in San Dimas. All boys were California State wards. Twelve boys between the ages of eight and ten were under his care. When Ed arrived, the kids were getting ready for school.

They looked at their new supervisor. “I saw all these little eyes looking at me and I recognized those eyes because I have similar eyes,” he says. “Every child who grew up with a real dysfunction: drug addiction, alcoholism, abuse, divorce, stress and screaming in the house, our eyes are just different. We just want people to love us. “

«My life changed immediately. I wanted to serve these guys. ” Just as Rod Carew had influenced Ed, so Ed was influencing these boys. “I was her father, her big brother,” he says. “I took her to school every day. I was there when they opened their presents for Christmas. I was there when they brought their grades home from school. I did homework with them. In the evening I put her to bed. “

Happier with god

“It changed my life because once in my life I found out: Man, I love helping people,” he is amazed. Years have passed, but working at Boys Home changed him forever. He’s still helping people. He helps celebrities and athletes rediscover themselves and take on new challenges when their glory days are over.

Jesus carried it through all these years. He speaks openly about his faith amid a biography riddled with failures: he lost his cars, his house, and the water was turned off because he couldn’t pay …

In a video, Ed Mylett says, “Everything that happens is not against us, but for us. God has a plan for our life. “

In 1997 he married Kristianna, with whom he has two children. The signs of success are not close to his heart, he says. “What is really important and meaningful is that I can bring a lot of people to God who might not go to church. I am passionate about it. It drives me to show people a way to be happier. “

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Author: Michael Ashcraft / Daniel Gerber
Those: Godreports / supplemented translation: Jesus.ch


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