Cantabria has 11 sports teams in quarantine and 15 confirmed positives


Cantabria has 11 sports teams in quarantine for Covid cases and 15 confirmed positives in this area, according to data provided this Tuesday by the Ministry of Health.

Soccer is the sport that registers the most cases, with five positives and two confined teams; followed by basketball, with two positives and three isolated teams. Cycling also presents two cases, but does not have any equipment in quarantine.

Next are rugby, skating, paddle tennis, karate, hockey and badminton, all of them with a confirmed positive and a quarantined team.

These data refer to federations, clubs, entities, technical personnel, federated athletes and minors who practice grassroots sports.

The confirmed Covid cases are those that have generated a study of contacts in the sports field, while the quarantined teams are those organized as a stable coexistence group.

Some of the confirmed cases practice sports in three different sports disciplines.


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