Argentinian Wolves prospect Leandro Bolmaro named most spectacular player in Spain | NBA

Drafted last year by the Knicks but recovered by the Wolves, Leandro Bolmaro has remained on the other side of the Atlantic this season. Barça’s regular rotation in the armored squad, with 64 appearances this season between the Euroleague and La Liga, the young Argentinian winger confirmed his progress with 6 points and 2 assists on average, enough to convince Gersson Rosas to bring him to the next season.

Voted the most spectacular player in La Liga ACB, the Spanish league, Leandro Bolmaro is in a strong moment at the moment, with 9 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 interception on average over his last ten games, Euroleague and ACB combined.

He notably finished with 18 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals in a victory facing Vitoria recently, three games after setting his career record at 26 points against Andorra. When he plays 20 minutes or more this season, that is to say 12 appearances, Leandro Bolmaro turns to 11 points, 4 assists and 14 evaluation!

The worthy heir of Manu Ginobili

Above all, as we can see from his Top 7 this season, he is more and more comfortable with the ball in hand. Faithful to the Argentinian tradition of the lively and spectacular game, Leandro Bolmaro has a sense of passing and a real flair for finding his teammates, on counterattack as on placed play, alley-oop or behind his back.

His improvised volte ball in hand and at full speed is also a little gem, and a very good sign as to his future adaptation to the NBA game much more based on the qualities of one-on-one. He succeeds players like Ricky Rubio (2009-10), Rudy Fernandez (2012-13), Sergio Rodriguez (2013-14) or the current Bull Tomas Satoransky (2015-16) and his compatriot, titular leader in the playoffs for the Nuggets, Facundo Campazzo (2016-17).

His Top 7 of the season

His record at 26 points


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