“After a year of doing nothing, I am reliving”: in the Yvelines, outdoor sports lessons have resumed

It is not easy to play sports in this period of health crisis, despite the recommendation of health professionals in this area. On October 5, 2020, the government announced the closure of private rooms to limit the spread of Covid-19, with them gymnasiums, swimming pools and other public facilities. If, since, a medical prescription allows some to continue to practice physical activity, the majority of Ile-de-France residents have no other choice than to opt for running, cycling, walking or street workout.

But today, outdoor group lessons are starting to emerge in the Yvelines, particularly in Plaisir, Port-Marly and Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Two meters from each other, Monique and Chantal carefully follow the instructions of prof. On the program: muscle strengthening exercises. “It only lasts thirty minutes but it’s better than nothing,” breathes Monique, who leaves the session with a smile on her lips.

Places are expensive

Since last Tuesday, the Volunteer Gymnastics association offers, on the initiative of the city, outdoor group lessons in front of the covered market. “Let’s take out our sneakers” is a completely free program for all residents. But places are expensive because each session welcomes only six participants at a time, due to the restrictions put in place by the government during this period of confinement.

“Me, I live again today. It’s been almost a year since I did anything, says Chantal, member of the association. We were indeed offered video lessons but I did not get hooked at all. The time to understand how to make the movements, I miss the following ones. I quickly gave up. ”

“I wanted to come to recreate the link while getting back into motion”

The two retirees therefore took advantage of the new approach to reserve their places directly on the city’s site. Zumba, fitness, cross training… The sessions follow one another every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday morning. “Some courses are full until April 6,” rejoices Marie-Claude Giry, president of Voluntary Gymnastics. It’s nice, it proves that people need to go out, that they want to do things outside and find social ties. They tell us that. ”

Cedric is not a member. But he heard about the collective session on social media. “It’s true that I like to play sports, specifies the young man who is used to practicing alone. I wanted to come to share a moment of well-being with other people, to recreate links while getting back into motion. One thing is certain, he does not regret his coming. “It’s very nice to be able to chat with people.

BungyPump session at 7 euros

This is not the only department-wide initiative of this type. Present in Port-Marly as well as in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the VO2Max association offers collective BungyPump sessions at a rate of 7 euros. This sport is practiced outdoors with the help of sticks equipped with a pump system and which offer a resistance ranging from 4 to 10 kilograms. It combines walking and muscle building through fitness, strengthening, interval training and stretching exercises to reduce joint pressure.


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