The Tokyo Olympics will take place “whatever happens” with the pandemic

Olympic rings lit up in Tokyo Bay, January 27, 2021

Olympic rings lit up in Tokyo Bay, January 27, 2021 Charly TRIBALLEAU AFP

The Tokyo Olympics, postponed last year from 2020 to 2021 due to the pandemic, will take place “whatever happens” regarding the evolution of the health crisis, assured Tuesday, February 2 the chairman of the committee of Japanese organization Yoshiro Mori. “We need to move beyond debates about whether to hold them or not. The question is how we will organize them, ”he added, during a meeting between the Tokyo 2020 committee and officials of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLD) in power in Japan. “Let us reflect on this occasion on a new kind of Olympic Games”, added Mr. Mori, while the Japanese organizers have already expressed their desire to make the Tokyo Olympics a “model” for future editions, which could also be faced with health crises such as the Covid-19. The Japanese government on Tuesday extended the state of health emergency, especially in the Tokyo region.

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