The story of Luciano Theiler, the Cordoba coach who rose with Maipú de Mendoza

Luciano Theiler was just 15 years old when he found out he was going to be a coach. The Cordoba-born Justiniano Posse was training as a footballer in Renato Cesarini when the token fell on what he would do the day he stopped playing.

Today, at 39, he has just achieved promotion to the First National as DT from Maipú de Mendoza, who had not achieved such an achievement for three decades.

For those who do not remember, Theiler was a footballer who began his career in Lanús but made his professional debut in Belgrano in what was a defeat against Almagro in August 2002.

“I remember that day I was on the cover of La Voz. On one side of the cover was Claudio Sarría next to the phrase ´El Cielo´ and below I appeared with Darío Alanis and said ´El Infierno´. That afternoon we lost and Jorge Ginarte resigned ”, recalled the coach in dialogue with Mundo D.

The cover of the newspaper La Voz the day Theiler debuted in Belgrano.

As a player he was also in five different countries in Asia and retired with 30 years in Talleres de Perico. Before, he had steps for Cordoba teams such as Juniors and Villa María Alumni, among other shirts that he wore throughout his career.

“I left youth football to go to direct the Justiniano Posse Complex, my hometown team. Then I was Carlos Mazzola’s field assistant at Sportivo Belgrano and we were promoted to the National B. I stayed there for a long time, ”Theiler recalled.

His resume also shows that he was Gabriel Gómez’s field assistant in several clubs, including Instituto in 2017.

But after a brief stint at Alumni, his career changed abruptly when in July of last year he was called to take the reins of Maipú in full quarantine.

“I had to start at a difficult time and meet my players on the phone. Just a company from Córdoba arrived to manage the club through Mauro Menseguez. The squad had been almost completely renovated but thanks to the campaign that the team had carried out with Carlos Sperdutti, we began to compete directly for promotion “, said the coach of” Cruzado “.

Regarding the promotion achieved in recent days, he stressed that “it was key that we all shot to the same side, something that sometimes doesn’t happen in clubs. Being able to be a champion sometimes doesn’t happen throughout the entire race and we get it ”.

Theiler at the promotion festivities with his representative Mariano Caporale and Martin Agosti (Photo: Courtesy Luciano Theiler).

When asked about how his teams play, he explained it in these words: “I like team play, where everyone has offensive and defensive responsibilities. We seek order, always thinking about the rival goal, making quick transitions, with practical associations so that with a few passes we can try to reach the rival goal.

This season the DT had an effectiveness of 73 percent directing the Cruzado: he won 7 of the 10 games played, so it is almost a fact that he will continue for a while longer in the Mendoza team.

Cordoba in the heart

After being free in Lanús, Theiler joined the Belgrano squad at the beginning of this century. “I started in the Local League, luckily I was able to debut and play 10 games. I lived beautiful moments in that club ”, recalled the Maipú coach.

And he added: “Of course I would like to work in Córdoba, I already had the opportunity to do it at the Institute. I believe that Córdoba has great coaches, there are many trained people who are not known around there ”.

Finally, he told details about that day when he understood that his great passion was on the other side of the lime line: “At 15 I went to play Renato Cesarini. And I started writing down exercises because I knew that tomorrow I was going to be a coach. I wrote down everything that I thought would be useful to me when that day came. And I did that in a notebook in every club where I was. Phrases, concepts, exercises, everything. I did so until my retirement. And today I can see the fruits of all that ”.



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