The dream is over; Puerto Rico eliminates Mexico – Local News, Police, about Mexico and the World | The Herald of Chihuahua

Mazatlán.- Rey Fuentes hit a two-run homer in the bottom of the fourth inning for the Criollos de Caguas representatives of Puerto Rico to turn the table around and defeat the hosts Tomateros de Culiacán 2-1 in the second semifinal of the Serie del Caribe, before a great entrance in the Teodoro Mariscal stadium, which looked full more than half of the allowed capacity.

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MEXICO u0009 u00090 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0

PUERTO RICO u00090 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 x 2 6 1

The ninth tricolor acted as a visitor and they were the first to take the advantage, Ramiro Peña opened the fourth inning with indisputable, who ripped off the second mat to anchor in the anteroom, thanks to a slow roll from Sebastián Elizalde for the short stops. Joey Meneses responded with an RBI single to make it 1-0.

Manny Barreda was going through his best moment, when he retired his last five rivals, but with one out, Jonathan Morales spliced ​​unstoppable and Rey Fuentes homered through the field on the right, after having a full account of 3 and 2.

Starter Luis Medina allowed two hits in five innings to be the winner, completed his work with four strikeouts, gave two free walks for a touchdown, Muckenhirn threw an episode with a hit, A Maldonado hung the zero of the seventh round, Rayan González the eighth and ninth act, he retired without problems to the six rivals he faced.

The Puerto Ricans had a great opportunity to increase the lead and it was in the sixth inning, where Barreda walked Vimael Machin, hit Jonathan Morales, which marked his departure and left-handed Arturo López relieved. Rey Fuentes touched the ball and everyone was still. The bases were congested, but the left-handed López put his arm in and dominated José Miranda with a lift to the anteroom. Emerging Johneshwy Fargas fanned the breeze. The young Gonzalo Sañudo entered to remove Edwin Diaz with a fly to right.

Ramiro Peña was the best hitter of the Mexicans, going 4-2, the other unstoppable came off the wood of Joey Meneses in the fourth inning.

The Puerto Ricans will play tonight against the Dominican Republic for the Caribbean title, starting at 8:00 p.m. (local time). Both novenas already faced each other and the Dominicans emerged 5-1 gracefully on the first day.



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