Sergio Ramos takes pressure from the Merengue

Zapping But! Football Club Real Madrid, FC Barcelona: top 10 most capped players in the Champions League

Will Sergio Ramos extend at Real Madrid? At 34, Captain Merengue is asking himself questions. His contract expires on June 30 and, at the moment, the Andalusian has not validated the offer made by Florentino Perez: two more years with a 10% drop in his salary. While the situation is frozen, a new element could soon accelerate the case.


A deadline set for the month of March

Indeed, ABC says that Real is starting to lose patience and does not want to wait ad vitam eternam for Sergio Ramos’ response. Especially if he has to prepare his succession. As a result, the Madrid staff informed Captain de la Roja that he had until March to give a favorable response to the last contractual offer. As of this date, Real Madrid will withdraw their offer.

Often announced to PSG in the Spanish press (which had the gift of irritating Nasser Al-Khelaïfi), Sergio Ramos is playing for time while waiting for a better proposal. This could finally come from England where Manchester United would be very interested …


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