Little freedom of movement, no singing: ‘Tokyo games will be different’ | NOW

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) published a first roadmap for the Tokyo Olympic Games on Wednesday. A large number of strict rules are intended to ensure that the event can take place safely this summer.

“We know these Games will be different than usual,” said IOC director Christophe Dubi. “There will be certain conditions and restrictions for everyone involved in the Games. Flexibility and understanding are required.”

The first scenario (pdf) is specific for sports associations and officials. In the coming days there will also be so-called ‘playbooks’ for athletes and the press. “These scripts and rules are designed to ensure that the Games will be safe,” said Dubi. “The health of everyone who comes to Tokyo is our priority.”

Athletes and others involved will be severely restricted in their freedom of movement. The script for the international sports federations states that officials, jury members and other representatives must have as little contact with others as possible and must always keep 2 meters away from an athlete. 1 meter distance applies for other contacts.

Upon arrival in Tokyo, a recent negative test result must be presented and a new test will follow immediately. In addition, the Japanese corona app must be installed, it must be reported who is in direct contact with the first fourteen days and public transport may only be used with special permission. Mouth masks are always mandatory, “except while sleeping and eating”.

The IOC emphasizes once again that there will be no mandatory vaccination. The organization does insist that athletes and coaches participating in the Tokyo Games be vaccinated against COVID-19 “as soon as vaccines are available to a wider public”. All strict rules from the scenario also apply to people who have been vaccinated.

A decision about the public will follow later

About admitting fans and to what extent, according to Dubi, a decision will be made in the coming weeks. The organizing committee has said before that there will most likely be a limit on the number of fans and that there will be restrictions for spectators from outside Japan.

It is already clear that fans will be asked not to sing or cheer. Clapping is allowed.

Japan is doing relatively well with about 400,000 infections and less than 6,000 corona-related deaths, especially for a country with more than 126 million inhabitants. However, the situation has deteriorated in recent weeks, especially in Tokyo. According to polls, a large majority of the Japanese people are against the continuation of the Games.

However, the IOC, the organizing committee and the Japanese government have been emphasizing for weeks that the Games will take place from July 23 to August 8, 2021. “The question is not whether the Games will continue, but how”, IOC chairman Thomas Bach said. week.

In April, after holding several test events in Tokyo, the IOC will release new versions of the scripts.



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