LeBron’s Perfect Solo Activity Last Night At The Hotel

NBA players spend a lot of time traveling across the country, and therefore a lot of time in the hotels. This pace of life is monotonous at times and players kill time in different ways. LeBron James, he opted for a good movie. And not just any …

LeBron James and cinema, a great love story. The King has often confessed that he adores Space Jam, and he will soon appear on screen for the second installment, taking over from his idol. Michael Jordan. However, it is not the work of the 7th art that inspires LBJ the most – indeed, his favorite film is a little more… grandiose!

This is the movie The Godfather, 1974 classic directed by Francis Ford Coppola, undoubtedly the most mythical work produced about the Mafia. The King is a huge fan of this trilogy, and we’ve even seen him read the book that originated from the films before going to the locker room.

(credit: DR)

It’s hard to see the connection between the chronicles of the Sicilian Mafia in New York and LeBron James – yet the latter does not hide his fascination with the history of the Corleone family. Like Don Vito (the head of the family in the film), he comes from a poor family and has managed to rise to the head of an empire. Like him, he remains in power despite the increasingly pressing competition. Like him, LBJ knows how to place his pawns and anticipate the moves of his opponents.

On the road to face Atlanta on Monday night, LeBron remade the movie:

The perfect evening for that. #The Godfather

Remember, however, that LeBron dominates him legally in the context of sport and does not a priori order assassinations, although he is known to have almost total control in the teams where he settles. No one moves a finger without the endorsement of Don LeBron in a franchise.

Drawing inspiration from the ultra-polished hushed atmosphere of the film and the gloomy New York ambience of the 1940s, LBJ relaxes before heading back to war on the floor. Where there remains the head of the network, the brain, the man to be slaughtered. Who will manage to shake the King’s empire in the playoffs? While waiting to find an answer, we offer fans of this universe a few articles on the mysterious world of the Mafia:

On the road before facing the Hawks on Monday night, LeBron James recovers The Godfather. We hope that the end of n ° 23’s career will be more peaceful than the perilous chronicles of the Corleone family in organized crime …


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