Joseph Gordon-Levitt turns 40, career in 10 stages

Joseph Gordon-Levitt turns 40 on February 17

After making his debut at age 4 as a Scarecrow in a production of Mago di Oz, Gordon-Levitt has become one of the best performers in independent and committed cinema. Here is his career in 10 stages.

In between flows the river: from the autobiographical novel by the American writer Norman Maclean. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is chosen by Robert Redford to play Maclean as a child (the adult role is assigned to Craig Sheffer, but all eyes are on Brad Pitt).

A family of the third kind: from 13 to 19 years old Gordon-Levitt is on the Nbc sitcom. Protagonists of the aliens who pretend to be a normal American family, in order to study the human race.

Gives Manic, story set in an asylum, a Mysterious Skins, whose protagonist was abused by his baseball coach and now sells himself to survive: for the actor, the “difficult” roles begin. But in addition to independent cinema, there are also some mainstream titles.

(500) days together, beautiful romantic comedy with Zooey Deschanel, and 50 e 50, a film that addresses the theme of illness, lead the actor to a double Golden Globe nomination.

Inception: Chosen to replace James Franco, Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes one of Christopher Nolan’s favorite actors, who will also call him for the part of Blake in IThe Dark Knight – The Return.

Snowden by Oliver Stone lets the actor enter civilian cinema through the front door: Gordon-Levitt plays the lead role, the computer technician who unveiled mass wiretapping by the US government.

It’s time to take a break: in the meantime, the actor has two children with his wife, entrepreneur Tasha McCauley, married in 2014, and has decided to take care of them for a while.

The Chicago trial 7, written and directed by Aaron Sorkin, browses another important page in American history, that of the litigation following the Chicago riots of 1968. The film is currently in the Netflix catalog.

Mr. Corman: coming soon on AppleTv +, is a series written and directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt himself, who has chosen for himself the role of the teacher who does not resign himself to adulthood …

Looking forward to understanding what an adventure in the Marvel universe will occupy it, Gordon-Levitt is betting on video games as containers for the next storytelling. With his HitRecord he has already collaborated with Ubisoft on Beyond Good & Evil 2 e Watch Dogs Legion. As if to say: there is no time to be bored, much less at 40.

Video by Marika Sarzi Sartori

Read also: “Project Power” on Netflix, all about the sequel (which could be a TV series)


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