In debut in the Cearense C series, Cariri Football Club continues 0-0 against Maracanã in the first half – Badalo

This Wednesday afternoon (3), the newest team in the region made its debut in the C series of the Cearense Championship 2020. In an initially balanced game, the Cariri Football Club faces the Maracanã team at the Mirandão stadium, in Crato.

The game was scheduled to take place at Arena Milagres, but because it still does not comply with the guidelines of the Ceará Football Federation, the dispute was transferred.

With some faces already known in Cariri, like goalkeeper Gugu, Dacson (ex-Icasa) and Tierry, and command of coach Anderson Victor, the Football Club sent at least three dangerous balls at the end of the first half, creating chances and tightening the game .

Even with three minutes of extra time, the teams ended the first half at zero to zero.

At eight minutes into the second half, in a penalty in favor of Maracanã, Vavá opened the scoring. Not satisfied, after 29 minutes, Pecém, shirt 20, made another one and left the score at 2 × 0 for Maracanã.

* Real-time transmission

About the team

The Cariri Football Club was created in 2019, registered on November 11, and is headquartered in Juazeiro do Norte, playing in the C Series of the Ceará Championship from 2020.

The uniform consists of shirts with vertical stripes in blue and black. Black shorts and socks. As president, the team has Rosenberg Freitas.


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