Freimanis’ 16 points forge a victory in the duel of Latvian basketball players in Poland

Latvian basketball players Jānis Bērziņš and Rolands Freimanis helped their team Zelona Gura’s “Stelmet Enea” to win a convincing victory over Radoma’s “HydroTruck” represented by Roberts Stumbra at the Polish Championship on Wednesday.

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The Zelona Gura away team won HydroTruck with a score of 93:70 (17:24, 30:13, 24:17, 22:16) and won their 22nd victory this season.

Freimanis spent 24 minutes and 16 seconds on the field, during which he scored 16 points, won six rebounds and scored four times. The basketball player sent six of the eight two-point and one of the seven three-point shots in the basket, as well as the only free throw.

The basketball player also blocked the shot once, made one mistake, earned three personal notes, provoked opponents for two rule violations and ended the game with a +/- score 18.

His teammate Bērziņš threw nine points in 24 minutes and 24 seconds on the court, won six balls under the baskets and once scored successfully. The basketball player threw two of the five two-point and one of the five three-point throws into the basket, as well as realized both “penalties”. Bērziņš also intercepted the ball twice, earned four personal notes, provoked one rule violation and ended the game with a +/- score 11.

In the losers, Stumbris played for 31 minutes and 36 seconds, scoring 12 points and winning three rebounds. The trunk in the basket sent all three two-point shots and two of the three three-point shots. He also once successfully passed and blocked the throw, made three mistakes, earned two personal notes and provoked opponents for two fouls. The trunk ended the game with a negative +/- score of -6.

The most productive in the away ranks with 22 points was Cecil Williams, but in Radom’s team Dejon Griffin 18 points and six rebounds.

Stelmet Enea, with 22 victories in 24 games in the Polish Championship, takes first place, while Radom is in 15th place in the 16-club competition with six successes.


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