An astonishing player to the rescue of the Nets? Steve Nash reacts

With their starry roster, the Nets have the most attack impressive of the league and one of the most statistically effective in history! However, Brooklyn needs help on the other end of the pitch. An amazing player could give them the much-hoped-for boost defensively – and Steve Nash has reacted to the eventuality.

We told you about it a few days ago: the arrival of James Harden in Brooklyn did not resolve the imbalance of the Nets’ game … on the contrary. The Bearded Man has certainly further upped the already impressive attacking level of this team, but he also further weakened an already fragile defense. Despite a 3rd place in the East, Brooklyn needs help in this matter.

To overcome the defensive problems of his group, Steve Nash is looking for solutions. Not long ago, the front office formalized the signing of Iman Shumpert. The 2016 NBA champion can be of service to the outside world, which is already a good point. But it’s another a little more astonishing player who will join the roster: Norvell Pelle, signed a week ago in Brooklyn and who only played one season in the NBA with Philadelphia last year. Nash explains:

If we need the minutes from Pelle, we have no problem bringing it into play, but that remains to be determined.

The main person, who, at 28, has already changed a lot in his career, has only played 24 NBA games with the Sixers. His lack of experience at the highest level, however, does not prevent him from showing confidence, as he proves with a confident statement to the New York Post:

My entire career is based on defense. I’ve been a great hoop protector my whole life, so I don’t have a problem stepping in and fulfilling that role on the court.

The interior of the Nets has been orphaned by Jarret Allen since leaving for Cleveland. The Cavs pivot was a solid hoop protector and his former teammates lack his defense. This is why Norvell Pelle will have a real role to play alongside Kevin Durant, James Harden and Kyrie Irving.

The former Sixers pivot was turning 1.3 against per game in just 9 minutes in the Philly jersey. With limited playing time, he is able to bring a lot of energy and aggression into the Nets’ painting. Which will not be too much given the difficulties of this team. Brooklyn has the 4th worst defensive rating in the NBA this season!

After XXL recruiting, it’s time for less flashy adjustments, but just as important to ensure the team’s balance. Two discreet pieces which must bring a defensive solidity which has desperately need Steve Nash.


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