Vincent Kompany pleads against arbitration: “And what will we say when there is a serious injury?”

Vincent Kompany believes that Belgian arbitration is no longer adapted to the speed of the game. Not really to the taste of the corporation…

To write that Vincent Kompany has not treated his popularity with the Kingdom’s referees with his post-match statements on Friday at Eupen is an understatement. By questioning their modernity following the red card addressed to Kemar Lawrence, we should not expect anything else.

Kompany at least had the merit of daring to launch a debate: are our referees overwhelmed by the speed of execution of footballers? “Non” , clearly decides Johan Verbist, ex-referee and former boss of referees in Belgium. Football is accelerating but we have to set limits. It’s good to say that the referees must let play for the fluidity of the game. But what will we say when there is a serious injury because of that? That the referee was too lax? The balance between respect for the spirit and the rules is not easy to find but we cannot let tackle dangerously either. “


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