Tobias Anthöfer from Lünen: The strongest wheelchair user in the world! – Ruhr area

Lünen – He’s also great when sitting down.

Tobias Anthöfer (37) is the strongest wheelchair user in the world and set a new world record in the “Seated Deadlift” discipline at the “World’s Strongest Disabled Man” just before the turn of the year with 555.55 kilos.

In his double garage (28 square meters) in Lünen (North Rhine-Westphalia) he has everything he needs for training: dumbbells, rowing machine, weight stones, barrels, tractor tires.

Photo: Stefano Laura

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Tobias Anthöfer (37) during training in front of his garage in Lünen. “You should never give up in life,” he saysPhoto: Stefano Laura

Because many fitness studios refused to use wheelchairs, Anthöfer and like-minded people founded a weight training club for people with disabilities (currently 30 members) in 2019.

He has been permanently dependent on a wheelchair for more than ten years. What Anthöfer himself describes as a “stroke in the joint” is what specialists call osteoarthritis of the ankle. He had his first operation when he was 19 years old. “At that time I was told that I was five years late, the wear was already too advanced.”

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Sein Bizeps-Umfang beträgt 56 Zentimeter" data-zoom-title="Sein Bizeps-Umfang beträgt 56 Zentimeter

Photo: Stefano Laura

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His bicep circumference is 56 centimetersPhoto: Stefano Laura

His life changed radically, but the love of sport remained! Judo and athletics were out of the question, Anthöfer devoted himself to weight training.

Today he trains two to three hours a day. Anthöfer (battle name: “Big sitting bull”, 170 kilos) draws the strength of the “sitting deadlift” not only from the upper arms (biceps circumference 56 cm), but especially from the back. “The overall package has to be right.”

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Tobias Anthöfer bei seinem Weltrekord Ende Dezember: Unfassbare 555,55 Kilo schaffte er im „sitzenden Kreuzheben“" data-zoom-title="Tobias Anthöfer bei seinem Weltrekord Ende Dezember: Unfassbare 555,55 Kilo schaffte er im „sitzenden Kreuzheben“

Photo: Private

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Tobias Anthöfer on his world record at the end of December: He managed an incredible 555.55 kilos in the “sitting deadlift”Photo: Private

With his achievements he also wants to encourage other people with disabilities. And he has already set himself new goals: “I would like to break the 600 kilo mark.”

After his record, he has now received an invitation to visit the Olympic base in Bochum. “Olympia? That sounds damned far away, but of course it would have its charm! “



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