They would seize the accounts of Deportivo Cali for debt to the ‘teacher’ Arboleda

The controversial departure of Jairo Arboleda from Deportivo Cali. Via: COLPRENSA-THE NEW DAY

The output of Jairo the ‘master’ Arboleda of the Deportivo Cali, by determination of the directives of the club, ignited the controversy and put the president of the institution on the guillotine, Marco Caicedo, and his team for the way they decided that he would leave.

A new chapter in history emerged in the last hours, due to information that was provided The Corrillo de Mao. According to the media, the leaders of the Valle del Cauca team have not paid off the debt they have with the idol and that would be the reason why they would seize the club’s bank accounts.

“Jairo’s process is advancing and the Supreme Court of Justice ruled in his favor. At this time, the Cali has not canceled the money agreed between the parties and that led me to start other executive processes, which is why they are about to seize the team’s checking and savings accounts, “said the former soccer player’s lawyer. Arturo Garcia, in statements recorded by the news channel.

The historical footballer of the ‘sugar bowl’ expressed his pain for the untimely departure from the institution, last weekend, when he shared his feelings in the Snail carousel. “We finished last year and they told us we were going back to work on January 12. We were on our way to a meeting when they called us to tell us that we better not go. The decision of the game was of the club, not of us. They told us that there was no money and that is why they had to cut staff ”, he confessed.

In the same radio program, President Marco Caicedo outlined the reasons why they made the decision and confessed that at that time, he had not communicated with Arboleda, to explain the situation in depth. “These are conjunctural circumstances of the team, so we did things looking for the sustainability of the institution. It was very hard to decide that the ‘teacher’ should leave, who has been an idol and someone very important for the quarry ”, explained the leader.

Likewise, Caicedo said that the former soccer player was part of the 30% of the staff that left the ‘verdiblanco’ club, to face the economic blows caused by the pandemic, and that his wish is to pay tribute to the legend for his tireless work. “We have to pay tribute to ‘maestro’ Arboleda, he must leave through the front door, as appropriate. It was a very difficult decision and we are eternally grateful. This is what we are facing as a society and the health emergency forces us to reinvent ourselves “, he specified in the dialogue with the sports program.

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