The reactions of the NBA world to Joe Biden’s swearing in as president

Not even the world NBA remained indifferent to the settlement of Joe Biden acting again President of the USA. For the importance, with global significance, of the role but also for the progress of these last elections, many extra-political personalities wanted to have their say. Including, in fact, several overseas basketball players.

Many have wanted to express their idea through Twitter. One of the most politically committed players, One’s Edges he is now American by adoption also because of the problems with Turkey for his anti-government positions. Kanter was among the first to comment on Biden’s official appointment.

His teammate echoed him Jusuf Nurkic. The Bosnian center commented:

Jamal Crawford instead he focused his attention on Donald Trump’s departure rather than on the new appointment. The former Brooklyn player made fun of the now former President by comparing his absence to the behavior of a child who takes the ball and stops playing because he lost.

The NBA center Robin Lopez instead he relied on a learned metaphor to analyze Donald Trump’s farewell and his farewell words. In fact, the player compared the current situation to an episode of an old American sitcom, Cheers.

Finally Magic Johnson, of all, he is the one who expressed the most enthusiasm for the next 4 political years in the United States. The Lakers legend, and one of the symbols of the NBA, congratulated the new president and his deputy Kamala Harris, adding that he is excited for his country.

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