“The horizon is moving away” for the reopening of the stadiums in January, according to the Minister of Youth and Sports Jean-Michel Blanquer

The Minister of Education and Sports spoke this Sunday on BFM TV, and indicated that the goal of reopening the stadiums in January was becoming more complicated, given the health situation.

Jean-Michel Blanquer has undoubtedly paved the way for upcoming announcements for the world of sport, this Sunday on BFM TV. “What we wanted was the reopening of the stadiums in January with a proportional gauge system, for example every other seat, said the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports. It is a horizon which is perhaps moving away a little with the epidemic situation (…) “.

According to the calendar drawn up by the President of the Republic during his televised address on November 24, the closed session – imposed in stadiums for long months – was to be reviewed from January 15. But the health situation did not improve as expected: the president had thus specified that the objective was to go below 5000 contaminations per day; we’re at 10,000 a day.

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“We will do our best to make it possible (the reopening of the stadiums) in the coming times, added Jean-Michel Blanquer. We will do it in a responsible way and always in connection with the actors of sport “.

The government had released a “compensation fund“100 million euros at the beginning of December to support sports associations, aid also highlighted by Blanquer this Sunday in his interview. But this closed door still complicates the economic situation of many clubs, especially in sports not benefiting from substantial television rights such as handball or basketball, some of which complain of losses of up to 70% of their turnover.


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