The high of Laura Solís, badminton champion

Laura Solís has had a fabulous 2020, at least on the sporting side. The 19-year-old from Oviedo won two medals in the junior Spanish championship: one gold in the mixed doubles and another bronze in the individual. Later on he tried his luck at all and there came his biggest and most unexpected success by winning a new bronze medal. As if that weren’t enough, he has won the Iberdrola Cup with his club, Badminton Oviedo. She defines her year in a very expressive way: “It was a rush.”

It is difficult to contact Laura. And not because it is not accessible. The young woman has exams because she wants to continue the Marketing and Advertising module that she is currently studying, doing a degree at the University next year. Some studies that he will do in Madrid. Then there is the team, the training sessions, the classes, the championships … So many things that sometimes it takes a while to get bored with your family. “Sometimes I would like to spend more time with my family,” he acknowledges.

But there is no time to lament and, at a good pace, Laura recalls her beginnings in badminton: “I started at age 10 because Germán Fernández Ramos was at school as an extracurricular activity and I started going to play championships and I won the from Oviedo, I was small and that motivated me a lot; Then I went to the Asturias championships and there I realized that people had a good level and that I had to take another step ”, he explains.

It was time to knock on the door of the Oviedo Badminton Club, where he found the ideal place to continue fulfilling his objective, which is none other than “having fun”: “The good thing about Oviedo Badminton is that it has players of all levels in all categories, that’s something other clubs don’t have ”. He feels so good there that not even next year, when he goes to Madrid, does he think to leave it: “I plan to continue playing badminton when I am in Madrid, there are other colleagues in the same situation as me and I could continue training and playing with Badminton Oviedo , in my head it is not changing of club ”.

The possibility of entering the High Performance Center, like his colleague Álvaro Leal, does not motivate him too much. “It is a very good place to train, but the level of the coaches is similar to that of Badminton Oviedo and here they give you twice the attention, there they are very focused on Carolina Marín. I feel more comfortable in my club ”, ditch.

But those are things that he will have to decide later because now, at this moment, he has to “prioritize studies”: “Now I am prioritizing studies; As this season is short, I am going to push a bit in the studies now, then we have to score for the Spanish championship, the Honor Division competition and I would like to have a weekend off, ”he explains, although he knows it will be difficult.

For Laura Solís, her success in the absolute National has not made her lose perspective as to what a sport like badminton means. He knows that the best was missing there, Carolina Marín, who does not usually participate. In addition, he is aware that taking more steps towards the elite also has its problems: “There is a time when you have to choose between sports and studies, you have to meditate a lot; It seems very nice, but when you are inside it is complicated ”. What Laura talks about is a life full of trips to play international tournaments, with what it entails economically, and having even less time to spend with her family.

She is not in a hurry and although she knows that the time has not yet come to go with the national team, she does not rule out that it will happen one day: “I already played World Cups with the junior team and the truth is that it is a great experience, in which I learned a lot, but today I see it complicated with the absolute, there are people who take a lot of age and experience from me, I prefer to go little by little. I still see that a bit far away ”.

Laura Solís has had a fabulous 2020, at least on the sporting side. The 19-year-old from Oviedo won two medals in the junior Spanish championship: one gold in the mixed doubles and another bronze in the individual. Later on he tried his luck at all and there came his biggest and most unexpected success by winning a new bronze medal. As if that weren’t enough, he has won the Iberdrola Cup with his club, Badminton Oviedo. She defines her year in a very expressive way: “It was a rush.”

It is difficult to contact Laura. And not because it is not accessible. The young woman has exams because she wants to continue the Marketing and Advertising module that she is currently studying, doing a degree at the University next year. Some studies that he will do in Madrid. Then there is the team, the training sessions, the classes, the championships … So many things that sometimes it takes a while to get bored with your family. “Sometimes I would like to spend more time with my family,” he acknowledges.

But there is no time to lament and, at a good pace, Laura recalls her beginnings in badminton: “I started at age 10 because Germán Fernández Ramos was at school as an extracurricular activity and I started going to play championships and I won the from Oviedo, I was small and that motivated me a lot; Then I went to the Asturias championships and there I realized that people had a good level and that I had to take another step ”, he explains.

It was time to knock on the door of the Oviedo Badminton Club, where he found the ideal place to continue fulfilling his objective, which is none other than “having fun”: “The good thing about Oviedo Badminton is that it has players of all levels in all categories, that’s something other clubs don’t have ”. He feels so good there that not even next year, when he goes to Madrid, does he think to leave it: “I plan to continue playing badminton when I am in Madrid, there are other colleagues in the same situation as me and I could continue training and playing with Badminton Oviedo , in my head it is not changing of club ”.

The possibility of entering the High Performance Center, like his colleague Álvaro Leal, does not motivate him too much. “It is a very good place to train, but the level of the coaches is similar to that of Badminton Oviedo and here they give you twice the attention, there they are very focused on Carolina Marín. I feel more comfortable in my club ”, ditch.

But those are things that he will have to decide later because now, at this moment, he has to “prioritize studies”: “Now I am prioritizing studies; As this season is short, I am going to push a bit in the studies now, then we have to score for the Spanish championship, the Honor Division competition and I would like to have a weekend off, ”he explains, although he knows it will be difficult.

For Laura Solís, her success in the absolute National has not made her lose perspective as to what a sport like badminton means. He knows that the best was missing there, Carolina Marín, who does not usually participate. In addition, he is aware that taking more steps towards the elite also has its problems: “There is a time when you have to choose between sports and studies, you have to meditate a lot; It seems very nice, but when you are inside it is complicated ”. What Laura talks about is a life full of trips to play international tournaments, with what it entails economically, and having even less time to spend with her family.

She is not in a hurry and although she knows that the time has not yet come to go with the national team, she does not rule out that it will happen one day: “I already played World Cups with the junior team and the truth is that it is a great experience, in which I learned a lot, but today I see it complicated with the absolute, there are people who take a lot of age and experience from me, I prefer to go little by little. I still see that a bit far away ”.



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