The Copa América is still in suspense due to a doubt from Conmebol

Fernando Jaramillo spoke in the Carrusel Caracol of Colombian soccer in 2021. The president of Dimayor assured that the League and the Tournament will begin as planned on the weekend of January 16 and 17 and that he is working so that the logistics of the biosecurity protocols are ready for that date.

Likewise, he spoke of the deficit left by the pandemic in Colombian football, the VAR, the Women’s League in which new sponsors are sought and the Copa América, with which there is uncertainty about its realization, Well, Conmebol does not want to do it without the public due to the financial impact that this can generate.

He also stated that, although it left a positive balance, the Eliminated League is not scheduled for 2021 and that the situation at Cúcuta Deportivo remains the same.

“It was a very hard year for the football industry, which taught us a lot and we are already working to quickly start the League and the Tournament, which will go hand in hand with the Ministry of Health and Sports to comply with the protocol already it’s established, “he said.

Regarding the protocol, Jaramillo indicated that it could be simplified, “make a more friendly and simple protocol taking into account the health of all and see when things are changing I think positively in the future, “he said.

Possible capacity for FPC matches and financial situation

Jaramillo indicated that, although the moment in the country is complicated, the possibility of having an audience in the stadiums is being analyzed, “there is a difficult moment in Colombia due to the pandemic and the curve, but we hope that it will be solved and that in March or April we can be talking about a responsible capacity for Colombian soccer matches. We continue with the challenge of starting the tournament at a difficult time, it is not easy but the clubs are working for that. “

With regard to income and the deficit that occurred during 2020, this said, “we have guarantees, We are going to start a different year with two semesters and that is going to generate income that we did not have last year. There is a deficit due to tests and other logistical issues, since expenses increased by 14 or 15 percent. “

And he added, “in the last assembly of the financial statements we saw that a large part of them went on the subject of the VAR as planned. What can we do, have a relief and be able to implement it in two games in the first semester and three in the second. I spoke with the operator and we are looking for financial relief and to be able to maintain it. I think you should have VAR, some teams do not because they are unhappy with the decisions, but we have to keep training people so that things get better and better“he explained.

The leader stated that the losses were almost eight billion pesos that were spent on covid-19 tests with women’s and men’s soccer.

What will happen to the Women’s League?

Jaramillo affirmed that the League will continue and that more sponsors are being sought, “We have to see who are the teams that are committed, I am happy with having had the Women’s League last yearThe results are getting better and better, the quality is high, “he said.

“In March there is the Copa Libertadores and we have to plan that taking into account how many teams are going to play, There is a commitment from the National Government and they will be in charge of sponsoring the League but I do want to find more sponsors to make this something more secure. we have great potential. “

More journalists in the FPC stadiums

According to Jaramillo, will hold talks with the Ministry of Sports so that more journalists can attend FPC matches, “I am going to discuss it with the Ministry of Sports to see how many journalists can enter the stadiums with all the protocols that are not easy, you have to do PCR tests and the protocols inside the stadium. I don’t see why journalists can’t. comply, we saw what the FPC implies, the passion for football and I think it is important that journalists can do their job. “

He also spoke about the possible vaccination for footballers, “from the point of view of what the Ministry of Health has determined, we are not in a priority group, but it would be a great advantage if we could have a group within the early vaccination even if it is buying the vaccines. There are priorities that the Government has determined and if there is a space within that, then it would be ideal for them to take us into account. “

Will there be Copa América or not in Colombia and Argentina?

Jaramillo indicated that if there is a Copa América, the League would end in May to deliver the stadiums, however, it is still not certain that the tournament will take place, “It has not yet been confirmed if the Copa América is going because Conmebol does not want the Cup without an audience. It is a capacity that serves to have a Copa América. If there is no Cup we have more space until June and July to finish the League. “


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