Supporting local sport: Judo champion received clothing

The outstanding 18-year-old judoka, Sebastián Gutiérrez Coral, received a set of four regulation combat judogis for the practice of the specialty.

The young man defended Antofagasta on several occasions and in one of his last forays, in Arica, he was almost disqualified because his clothing had a couple of sizes smaller than those indicated in the regulations. The Municipal Sports and Recreation Corporation (CMDR) learned of Sebastián’s case and followed up to specify the contribution.

“I am very grateful I needed the suits a lot, I am a low-income person who lives in a shot and now I will be able to train and participate in future tournaments with peace of mind,” said Gutiérrez.

The Antofagasta received the contribution from the president of the CMDR board of directors, Mayor Wilson Díaz, who visited him at his home in the El Bosque camp, in the northern sector of Antofagasta.

For his part, the mayor and president of the CMDR board, Wilson Díaz, said that “beyond delivering this contribution, I have come to congratulate this young man because they promote something very beautiful, which is sport, something that we really need , both due to the pandemic and addiction issues, so we continue working with the corporations for the benefit of all ”. On the occasion, Mayor Díaz also promised a new tatami.


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