Shaq Attaq, the “shark” attack weapon, O’Neal wore it to smash the rebounds_Nike

Original title: Shaq Attaq, “Shark” attack weapon, O’Neal wore it to dunk the rebounds

“Big Shark” O’Neal’s first signature basketball shoe in NBA career, O’Neal was wearing it to complete the feat of dunking rebounds!

O’Neill once mentioned the details of his signing with Reebok in his autobiography “Shaq Uncut: My Story”. When he entered the NBA as the No. 1 pick in 1992, a large number of stars in the league had signed with the Nike brand. He didn’t want to repeat what others had done. He wanted to create his own path in Reebok, so in 1992, he and Nike at the headquarters in Oregon During the meeting, he deliberately wore a Reebok jacket, which made Nike’s senior Phil Knight very unhappy.

In the end, O’Neill and Reebok reached a multi-year endorsement agreement. According to the terms of the agreement, Reebok will launch an exclusive signature shoe series for O’Neill, and the first is Shaq Attaq.

At that time, only four months before the start of the new season, Reebok handed over the design of the new sneakers to the female designer Judy Close of the Blacktop series. The female designer took her team and contributed to O’Neill’s career in time. The debut was presented to Shaq Attaq.

Shaq Attaq is equipped with the most popular Pump System inflation valve and honeycomb cushioning at the time, and added a carbon fiber support plate. The configuration is absolutely top-level. The bright blue implies Orlando and the ocean. This color scheme makes O’Neill more prominent on the court.

In 2017, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the launch of Shaq Attaq, Reebok re-launched a replica version, and shoe fans once again felt the weapon from the shark.

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