“Putin is a thief”: tens of thousands of Russians demand Navalny’s freedom – 2,600 are arrested – politics

Russian security forces have arrested several demonstrators who have gathered outside the prison where Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny is being held. The opposition’s team posted videos on Telegram Saturday evening showing representatives of the OMON special police in Moscow beating protesters and kicking people lying on the ground. People standing around shouted “shame”.

After a large protest that afternoon in the city center with thousands of participants, hundreds of people walked more than an hour to the notorious number one remand prison in the north-east of the capital.

In total, more than 2,600 people were arrested during the protests in Russia by early Saturday evening, according to civil rights activists. This was reported by the Owd-Info portal, which documented the number of arrested nationwide. Most of the arrests were made in Moscow, initially around 800. In St. Petersburg there were more than 300.

Russian human rights activists listed a total of around 100 cities in which protesters were held in police custody – most of them remained individual arrests. Observers spoke of tens of thousands of participants in the protests across the country. The opposition announced new protests for the coming weekend.

Further arrests were expected that evening. In Moscow alone, hundreds of people were still walking around the city center after dark. The police called on her to go home. Roads were closed.

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Navalny’s wife was also briefly in police custody in Moscow. Julia Navalnaja posted a photo from a prisoner van on Instagram on Saturday afternoon. “Sorry for the poor quality,” read the ironic caption. The light in the police car is very bad. She was released a few hours later, according to media reports.

“Putin wor” – “Putin is a thief!” – shouted people in Moscow and many other cities. It was the phrase of the day that connected the many demonstrators across the country, even over the huge distances. It was not just about robbing democratic rights, many shouted: “Russia will be free!”.

Nawalny’s team also posted a photo of Nawalny’s mother, who also came to the demo.

Navalny’s supporters are demanding the release of the opposition activist, who was sentenced to 30 days in prison on Monday in a controversial urgent procedure. Navalny allegedly violated reporting requirements in previous criminal proceedings while recovering from a poison attack in Germany. The 44-year-old and his team see the judiciary’s actions as politically motivated.

More than 40 security guards were also injured in the protests. As the state agency Tass reported on Saturday, these are mainly minor injuries. Nobody was taken to the hospital. Protesters threw snowballs at the emergency services. The Ria Novosti state agency reported that three police officers had been doused with white paint.


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