Protests in Washington, USA, for certification of election results: minute by minute, live and direct

Washington protests
They protest in the United States during the certification process of Joe Biden as president-elect. Photo: Reuters.

This Wednesday is decisive in the electoral process of the United States: in Congress the results of the presidential election that gave the victory to Democrat Joe Biden are discussed. Summoned by the still president Donald Trump, Americans in favor of the president carry out protests in Washington DC in order, according to them, “to stop electoral fraud.”

The protests in Washington DC raised their tone: there were clashes between supporters of Donald Trump and the National Guard. Some citizens entered the Capitol, where the results of the elections last Tuesday, November 3, were discussed. The session was suspended but resumed at the edge of 8:00 p.m.

Minute by minute of protests in Washington

20:30 The Senate resumed its session on Wednesday night. certification of the presidential victory of Democrat Joe Biden, after a hiatus of several hours due to the violent invasion of supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump into Congress in Washington.

At the opening of the session, Vice President Mike Pence lamented a “dark day” and condemned the “violence” recorded.

  • “Even after the unprecedented violence and vandalism on this Capitol, the elected representatives of the people of the United States are meeting again this day to defend the Constitution,” Pence said.

The leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, assured at the resumption of the session that the Chamber “would not be intimidated.”

  • “They tried to disrupt our democracy and they failed,” he said.

His counterpart Democrat Chuck Schumer, for his part, said that the events of Wednesday, caused “by the words, the lies” of Donald Trump, they would leave a “stain that wouldn’t rub off easily.”

20:05 The ex-president Barack Obama held Trump and Republicans responsible for the violence, denouncing a “Moment of great dishonor and shame for our nation.”

“History will remember today’s violence on Capitol Hill, encouraged by a president who tirelessly lied about the outcome of an election, as a moment of disgrace and shame for our country.” the Democrat said in a press release.

“But we would be fooling ourselves if we treated this as a total surprise,” Obama said, denouncing an increase in violence in recent months.

Former President Barack Obama

20:00 Facebook blocks Trump for 24 hours after violent incidents in Washington.

19:30 The ex-president Bill Clinton denounced the disturbances generated as a “Unprecedented assault” on the United States Congress and the nation, and blamed the outgoing president for fomenting violence.

“Today we face an unprecedented assault on our Capitol, our Constitution and our country,” the Democrat said in a statement.

Added that the attack was fueled by “four years of poisoned politics” and deliberate misinformation.

The fuse was lit by Donald Trump and his most ardent associates, including many in Congress, to nullify the results of an election he lost ” underlined.

18:15 Congress will resume the session to certify Joe Biden’s victory in the November presidential elections, said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“We have decided that we must proceed tonight on Capitol Hill once the building is cleared for use,” Pelosi said in a letter to colleagues, following reports that the facilities had been seized by police and that the protesters had been removed.

18:00 Facebook removes a video posted on its social network by US President Donald Trump for inciting violence.

Twitter he does it minutes later

17:45 He expresidente George W. Bush denounced some of his Republican co-religionists for fuel the “insurrection” on Capitol Hill, comparing the situation with a “banana republic”.

“This is how electoral results are disputed in a banana republic, not in our democratic republic”,

Bush said in a statement about the riots

17:30 Several world leaders condemned the behavior of Donald Trump, who earlier called on his supporters to demonstrate, and later invited them to calm down, when they had already started with protests violent in Washington DC Among the world leaders who issued their complaint are:

  • Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
  • Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  • Pedro Sánchez, President of the Spanish Government.
  • Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.
  • Luis Almagro, secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS).

17:00 Security forces of Washington DC confirmed the death of a woman who attended the protests in favor of the president Donald Trump; So far, the identity of the woman, as well as her age and place of residence, is unknown.

16:30 Security forces shield the Capitol from Washington DC, after the protests made by supporters of the president Donald Trump, sympathizers who are part of Republican, conservative and white supremacist groups. So far, the time when the legislative chamber will resume activities.

Washington protests
The protests in Washington DC started early this Wednesday, as Congress was preparing to certify Joe Biden. Photo: Reuters.

16:15 Officially, members of the National Guard arrived at Washington after protests massive numbers of Donald Trump supporters. A Pentagon spokesman said that thousand 100 effective of the National Guard of Washington to support law enforcement. So far, no deaths have been reported as a result of the protests.

16:10 Later, already fulfilled his wish to protests in Washington, Donald Trump He told his supporters to “come home” after they stormed the Capitol: “I understand your pain,” he said. Trump in a video on Twitter. “We had an election that was stolen from us. But they have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have public order ”.

16:00 Joe Biden used his Twitter account to comment on the protests in Washington:

I call on the president Donald Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend the Constitution by demanding an end to this siege. America is much better than what we are seeing today. Our path is simple: democracy, legality and respect, respect for each other and for our nation.

15:50 Joe Biden, President-elect of the United States, denounced the “insurrection” in the Capitol of Washington, where hundreds of supporters of Donald Trump they sowed chaos with their protests. The former vice president also asked Donald Trump to appear in public to take responsibility for the damage left by the protests in Washington.

Washington protests
White supremacists and far-right sympathizers on Capitol Hill Washington DC after the start of protests. Photo: Reuters.

15:40 By 4:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, several heads of state demand that Donald Trump appease the protests in Washington. However, the New York businessman achieved one of his tasks: defer certification of the victory of his Democratic rival Joe Biden and, with this, demonstrate that it will not concede its electoral defeat under the argument of electoral fraud.

15:30 Even in disguise, the president’s sympathizers Donald Trump they showed off the protests in Washington: they invaded legislative offices in the Capitol; they sat in the chairs of Republican and Democratic legislators; with songs, they demanded a halt to the electoral “robbery”. The international community strongly condemns the scenes of the protests in Washington.

15:20 Users of digital platforms broadcast videos showing elements of the Army fighting to contain the protests in Washington: For the afternoon of this Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the armed forces most powerful in the world they work to contain violence from American citizens themselves.

15:10 Far-right groups that sympathize with Donald Trump entered the Capitol facilities and continued with their protests in Washington; Photographs and videos circulate on social networks showing the clash between the security forces and the citizens.

15:00 The protests in Washington raised their tone: the security forces repelled the protesters with tear gas, and the agency AFP indicated that there is at least one citizen wounded by a bullet after the altercation in the Capitol. Various personalities of international politics ask for a call for peace “in the country of democracy”.

14:54 After the president Donald Trump asked his supporters to demonstrate to delay the certification of Joe Biden As president-elect, the White House of Washington DC reported that federal forces will be deployed to contain the violence in the US capital.

US Senate rejects first objection to Biden’s victory

21:35 The United States Senate overwhelmingly rejected Wednesday night a first objection to the Joe Biden’s victory in the presidential election, after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, forcing a delay in the certification of results.

Legislators voted 93-6 against the effort to reject Arizona’s electoral count, overcoming the first hurdle in ratifying the November 3 election.


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