Pedro Muñoz, former president of the Federation, dies of COVID

Pedro Muñoz Asenjo, former president of the Spanish Tennis Federation (RFET), died today at the age of 72, a victim of COVID-19. The Madrilenian, passionate about his sport and an overwhelming personality that earned him more than one conflict, founded the El Espinar Tournament in 1986.

He segovian challenger, supported by his Lord Winston’s wedding and banquet chain, it would end up becoming the most important in the world. Rafa Nadal, Roger Federer, Sergi Bruguera … And from there Pedro Muñoz became president of the Madrid Federation in 2001.

Then the Presidency of Hispaniola (RFET) in 2005. Castizo, direct, from Atleti and Joaquín Sabina, did not go unnoticed in a sport where Catalonia always had the greatest weight.

In the RFET, appointed Emilio Sánchez Vicario captain (with whom he befriended in El Espinar) and sports director Javier ‘Dudu’ Duarte. The Davis Cup teams were renamed ‘Selection’, they were sponsored by Mapfre and won the first Davis Cup as visitors and on hard court, in Mar del Plata (2008).

But Muñoz, what he collided with the large representation companies for trying to scratch part of his business for the RFET, he ended up facing the players. He took the semifinal of the Davis 2008 to Madrid’s Las Ventas square (in height against Roddick’s USA), earning one million euros for the RFET. But he had promised the stars to play at sea level. And there everything broke. In 2009, José Luis Escañuela succeeded him at the RFET. A stage that ended up being even more turbulent.

Pedro Munoz he did not stop working for tennis. Always volcanic. With El Espinar, the Spanish Tennis Association or the Ibero-American Association. But the coronavirus has taken ‘Peter’ away before he could get back on track again to follow a sport he adored.


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