One of the leading Lithuanian MMA wrestlers spent New Year’s night in prison for beating two women – Martial arts – – Sports

The Lithuanian media reports that Jagelo spent New Year’s Eve behind bars because he is suspected of beating two women.

The wrestler is reported to have broken into a neighboring apartment where two women were housed. One of them was there with her husband and children. This was followed by a violent attack, which resulted in bodily injury to the women. The man in the apartment was also attacked. It is also reported that Jagelo was accompanied by a knife and was under the influence of light alcohol.

Initially, pictures of the scene were shared with the wife of another wrestler, Henrik Vikšraitis, who described Jagiellonian as calm.

“He always seemed quiet and didn’t talk much. But what he did last night is under every criticism – breaking into an apartment, beating a woman in front of children, breaking a tooth and breaking his nose? I only ask one thing – to get the heaviest punishment and he gets a ban on fighting for life, “said Jagelo ‘s office brother’ s wife.

Ramūns Matonis, the head of the Lithuanian Police Communication Department, has confirmed that Jagelo has indeed caused significant bodily harm to one of the women.

During his career, Jagelo has won seven victories, one failure and two draws.

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