Olot transfers center Llus Aspar to Sevilla

The good work of Olot in terms of the nursery is beginning to bear fruit. Arumí, Julià and Àlex Garcia are regulars in the first team squad alongside Lluís Aspar. The Molló power station, however, flies from La Garrotxa to make the leap to the Seville branch. This was announced yesterday by the club, which has reached an agreement for the transfer of Aspar to the Andalusian team in exchange for an economic amount, and variables depending on performance. At just 20 years old and with 40 games in the bronze category – only 3 this year due to injury – Aspar was a very beautifying candy. In fact, Ripollès had been followed by a good group of clubs for a long time and in the end it was Sevilla who took him to their subsidiary. Aspar’s farewell leaves the team without a cash on defense and now it remains to be seen if the club is looking for a replacement.

On the other hand, the team will visit Johan Cruyff tomorrow to face Barça B. The match could be an ultimatum for Raúl Garrido in case of defeat. “It’s like your wife is telling you that she’s planning to leave you but if you get along well on the weekend, she might continue with you. How are you? Dolgut. Especially when the relationship in this marriage has been great, almost perfect “, said the coach, very” disappointed “with the intentions of the board, who did not like the tie against Cornellà.



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