NBA, the powerful voice of the champions, the contribution of sport to change

The assault on the Capitol in Washington DC by supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump has shaken the whole world, including that of sports. Once again the NBA is at the forefront of contributing to change. The decision of the Bucks of Antetokounmpo to kneel once the game has started, with the certainty of being seen by all, is sensational. Stressing the closeness to everything that happens in the world is the challenge that sport has chosen to continue to face

Once again the sport decides not to turn its head. Once again the NBA champions are the first to put their face on it, the same ones who in 2020 promoted and pushed the movement Black Lives Matter with great pride of Tommie Smith and John Carlos who instead paid for years, ostracized and threatened with death, to have gone barefoot on the podium in Mexico City 1968 with a clenched fist and black glove, the most striking gesture of protest ever occurred during the Olympic Games. On August 26, the Milwaukee Bucks decided not to take the field, not to play game-5 of the playoffs against the Orlando Magic after yet another violence by the American police against an African American (Jacob Blake hit with 7 bullets in the back fired from close range as he went harmlessly into his car). Boycott or protest, call it what you want the substance does not change, a message so powerful that it was immediately shared by all NBA colleagues and other sports champions, starting with the tennis player Naomi Osaka.

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It nearly came as far as last night in Miami when Boston Celtics players leave the pitch during the warm-up followed by the Heat hosts, the idea is not to want to play to mark the distance from what is happening on the streets of Washington. For 45 minutes they discuss it in the locker room, a meeting between players only, deciding to return to the American Airlines Arena when there are only 2 minutes left from the tap-off: “Tonight we decided to take the field to continue bringing joy to the lives of fans, but we must never forget that we live in a world where social injustice is king e we will continue to use our voice so that things can change ”, the joint statement of the Boston Celtics and the Miami Heat who with a heavy heart kneel during the anthem.

All on their knees again, following Kaepernick’s example

see also Protests in the USA: NBA players on their knees

In Milwaukee, MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo’s Bucks go further. They start the game first and then they decide to kneel at the first possession. A move designed to achieve better media effectiveness. During the last playoffs it happened that some televisions did not frame the players on their knees during the anthem. B.ucks and Pistons wanted to be sure that their protest was clearly visible to the whole world against the enormous difference in treatment between the Protestants of recent months and those at the Capitol, left to act illegally.

NBA MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo also kneels, during Bucks-Pistons – © Getty

Here is another fundamental point. During the live broadcast ofassalto a Capitol Hill, when the whole world followed with bated breath the images never before seen in the history of the United States, Bill Russell – 86-year-old NBA legend – tweeted the lack of a forceful response from law enforcement to mostly white protesters: “How long would it take them to call the National Guard if the Protestants had been black and how many would have died? “.

NBA reactions: the words of Kawhi Lonard, Doc Rivers, Stece Kerr

read also Doc Rivers leads the coaches: “Democracy will prevail”

In addition to being a outrage against American democracy what happened on Capitol Hill was therefore another example of racial inequality? He is convinced of it Kawhi Leonard: “What we have seen is the privilege in America ”, assures the two-time MVP of 2014 and 2019.“ It’s sad because if any of us had been there, they would have been hit with gas, with the taser, perhaps wounded by gunfire. You know that?”. From the players to the coaches no one remains strangers as of Doc Rivers always a champion of the racial question: “This summer, when there were protests, you could see the police, the national guard and the army. Now you look at the pictures and there is none of this. Basically it certifies that there is a privileged life and a notAsks the current Philadelphia 76ers head coach. He does not even remain silent Steve Kerr coach of the Warriors, he never did. As a privileged white he has always supported the cause of civil rights, he has never failed to accuse Trump of falsehood and incitement to violence. “The truth matters in our country and everywhere, under any circumstances because of the repercussions if we allow the lies to spread. IS if we allow the people in power to lie, you will suddenly have millions of people doubting an election which has been certified in every state “.

The Martin Luther King quote

The Boston Celtics champions Jaylen Brown e Jayson Tatum they quote Martin Luther King: “There are two divided Americas. In one you get killed if you sleep in your car or sell cigarettes. In the other, you can break into Congress and not get stopped, no gas or arrests, nothing like that. ” 2021 is a new year but the commitment of sport in wanting to contribute to change remains unchanged. The voice of the champions, on or off a parquet or any other playing field, remains powerful. Pointing out the closeness to everything that happens in the world is there challenge that sport has chosen to continue to face.


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