NBA = Celtics, Tatum to quarantine for about two weeks | Reuters

NBA, Celtics forward Jason Tatum (right) has been reportedly quarantined for 10 days to 2 weeks according to the league’s protocol for coronavirus. Taken on the 8th in Boston, Massachusetts, USA (2021 Reuters / David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports)

[Reuters]–Jason Tatum (22), a forward of the Celtics, the National Basketball Association (NBA), will be quarantined for 10 days to 2 weeks according to the league’s protocol for coronavirus. The US media “The Athletic” reported.

It is not clear if the athlete tested positive or if he was a close contact.

According to the local newspaper The Boston Globe, Robert Williams tested positive in the Celtics, and he, Tristan Thompson, and Grant Williams missed the Wizards match on the 8th.

Tatum contributed to the victory by scoring 32 goals in this match. In the 10 games since the opening, the team’s top score was 26.9 points on average. The Celtics will face Heat at home on the 10th.



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