Martial arts department offers online training: “It’s like shadow boxing” – Billerbeck

This morning, the two men lead the online training of the Billerbecker Dojo, the martial arts department at DJK-VfL. It is the second digital training they offer. “We are relatively at the beginning and want to build it up further,” says Andreas Kleinschumachers. Techniques could continue to be trained through digital training. Because if you take a long break from training, your technology and your entire musculoskeletal system would suffer. You stay on the ball. And that together. In this way the weaker self can also be defeated. Because due to the current corona-related restrictions, they cannot train in the hall either. Not even outside. “But at home,” said Kleinschumachers.

And the living room at home becomes real training room. In the second online training, it is a small group that takes part. A trio. Nina with her daughter Isabella and her son Vincent. In order to get a little on the temperature, it is warmed up. PET bottles are also used here. As 1.5 kilo dumbbells. One for each hand. “This is how you can turn everyday things into training equipment,” says Brockhoff. “How good that I know dumbbell training from the gym and I don’t mind,” says Nina and smiles. Various punching, pushing, kicking and blocking techniques are on the program. “You don’t always need a partner. It’s like shadow boxing, ”says Kleinschumachers. Sometimes he demonstrates a technique, sometimes Brockhoff. Each exercise is repeated ten times. Ichi, Ni, San, Shi, Go, Roku, Sichi, Hachi, Kyu, Ju – in Japanese it counts to ten. “Nina, that looks great,” praised Brockhoff. “Vincent, your shoulders shouldn’t be that far forward.” So again. It works better. “Yes, great!”. The next exercise. The laptop camera is panned onto the trainer’s legs. This exercise is all about leg technique. The trio looks at it carefully, then does it.

In karate, however, speed is generally the most important thing. One should no longer think about executing movements, but simply do and react. “That is the whole point of karate,” said Kleinschumachers. And the more often the techniques are practiced, the faster and more precise they become. The two trainers explain a lot during the exercises. And if it jerks every now and then, or the Internet connection goes on strike, the explanation is simply repeated as soon as everything is running again.

Nina, Isabella and Vincent are happy that the online training is now available. So you can pursue your hobby even in lockdown. You also move around. “After all, that’s something,” says Nina. The next online training will take place next Saturday. Techniques are practiced for an hour. Sometimes more judo, sometimes more arnis and sometimes more ju-jutsu is discussed. “Every division should get their money’s worth,” says Kleinschumachers. “We won’t let Corona get us down.” The online training should be motivating.

“With martial arts people should work on themselves”, says Andreas Kleinschumachers. It is not just the aspect of self-defense. “They also say that martial arts are there to avoid having to fight,” says the trainer. It depends on the mental. Practice clarity and serenity.


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