Ledecká plunges into a new challenge. She would need a pub

Another challenge doesn’t leave her cold. With a joke, Ester Ledecká goes to the point. There is no doubt that this is an advertising piece, but that it is also known about elite skiers and snowboarders. There have even been speculations more often about what other sports she might compete at a higher level. Maybe even at the Olympics …

Tomas Trestik / Sport Invest

Now the arrows are up to her. “I learned that the 555: 1 odds have been announced for me, that I will win the national championship,” she wrote on the net at the turn of the year.

And she indicated that ´economic´sport, on which she relies heavily, is not so completely foreign to her and that she wants to improve her skills in it. But the pubs are currently closed, and with the current coronavirus situation, that probably won’t change right away. After all, even Ledecká doesn’t look like she has time to train darts where they are at home in the winter season. But he can indulge in some preparation. “Before the pubs open for me, I’ll train at least at the play station,” he plans to use the game console.

However, the slopes remain major. “I wish you all good luck, health and love until the New Year, and I hope to see you somewhere on a snowy hill soon,” she also wrote on the net.

Triumph born in tears. In the morning it seemed that Esther would not go, the coach admitted

For the first time in the new year, it will be competitively introduced this week. There will be a downhill run in Svatý Anton on January 9 and a super-giant slalom a day later.



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