Ledecká managed it after the fall! She finished in the top fifteen

Gabriele Facciotti, ČTK / AP

The whole ski world was waiting for the start number 15 to appear at the start. Ester Ledecká is a real persona. The day after the terrible fall, she took courage and stood at the start of the Super-G. And given the circumstances, she drove well. There was a slight respect from her ride, moreover, she made a mistake on the last jump, which fortunately did not end in a fall …. Loss at the finish of 1.90 seconds at the race sovereign.

According to Ledecká, the decision to start was made a few minutes before the start. “But I’ve had it in my head since yesterday. The whole team rode as normal. No one fell out of pace for a second,” she said in a media recording, complaining that the traditional track tour had been shortened before the race. “We would definitely welcome everyone for the extra fifteen minutes before the super-G,” she said.

“I’m very happy, we didn’t know until the last moment if Ester would go. In the end, she decided to go for it. Her shoulder hurts, her right buttocks hurt, but she managed it,” commented Ledecká’s coach Tomáš Bank.

He also confirmed that they are planning other races in Ga-Pa: “We will probably miss some training there, but we plan to go there,” he revealed in a telephone interview with Czech Television.

Gut-Behrami was absolutely dominant

With the starting number 9, the Swiss wife of the football representative Valon Behrami set the bar by far the highest. Until then, the leading Italian Brignone was able to give more than a second a beautiful and calm ride without a single mistake.

At that time, Slovenka Vlhová had an unsuccessful ride. After yesterday’s success in the downhill, she did not reach the finish line this time.

On the contrary, Sofia Goggiaová, currently the fastest woman in the world, set off on the track behind Ledecká. The Italian rode well, attacked, despite minor mistakes, in second place, but missed the last goal and was not classified.

The Italian was really the last racer to overcome the amazing ride of Gutová-Behrami. Austrian Tamara Tippler then drove this year’s best race, yet she was 93 hundredths behind Swiss with her currently excellent form, yet her second place is a big surprise.

The third position was defended by Brignone, who started with the starting number 5. Ester Ledecká finally finished in a nice 15th place.

World Cup downhill skiing in Crans Montana (Switzerland):
Women – Super Giant Slalom:
1. Gurová-Behramiová (Swiss) 1: 15.63
2. Tippler (AUT) -0.93
3. Brignoneová -1.02
4. Marsaglia (both It.) -1.06
5. Scheyerová (Rak.) -1,12
6. Nuferová (Swiss) -1.13
7. Haaser (AUT) -1.39
8. Bassinová (It.) -1,41
9. Suterová (Swiss) -1.52
10. Lieová (Nor.) -1.55
15. Ledecká (CZE) -1.90
Super-G standings (after 3 of 6 races):
1. Gutova-Behrami 245 b.
2. Suterová 169
3. Brignoneová 165
4. Bassinová 162
5. Ledecká 156
6. Tipplerová 148
SP standings (after 19 of 33 races):
1. Vlhová (SR) 861
2. Gisin (Switzerland) 743
3. Gutová-Behramiová 667
4. Bassinová 655
5. Goggiaová (It.) 654
6. Shiffrinová (USA) 565
10. Ledecká 373
46. Dubovská (CZE) 85

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