“Kyrgios is very necessary for tennis”

Stefanos Tsitsipas relaxed … and on Australian soil spoke of the great local credit: Nick Kyrgios.

The Greek got to know the Aussie very well in Washington 2019 where they were teammates: “I feel like when we played doubles that week together I saw the real Nick. I was very surprised by what he hates to lose, I didn’t expect it. When we lost and left the court, He was very disappointed and frustrated. I was shocked, I would never have said that this would be his attitude after losing a game, he is a very winning guy. He gladly assumes the role of black sheep on the circuit, he loves to be the center of attention and doing unpredictable things, but there is nothing wrong with that. “

“Nick has a personality of his own and that makes a lot of people hate him and others love him. I find it very necessary for tennis because he brings something different and is fun to watch, as long as he is not disrespectful. He crossed that line too many times. , that’s the bad thing, but when he respects the game he is one of the funniest tennis players there can be “, Tsitsipas, 22 years old and currently 6th in the world, explained before the media The Age.

Despite this, that good chemistry endures: “From time to time I receive calls from him on FaceTime. They occur at totally random moments, without warning and are usually at dawn. The truth is that I do not understand”, he commented with a laugh.



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