Irving (Brooklyn) bought a house from George Floyd’s family

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving bought a house from the family of George Floyd, the black man who died of asphyxiation after his arrest in May 2020 in Minneapolis, said former NBA basketball player Stephen Jackson, a relative of the victim.

Speaking on the podcast “The Rematch”, Jackson, NBA champion with San Antonio in 2003, explained that he continues to take care of the family of what he calls his “brother”, eight months after his tragic death. .

This family “receives a lot of love. Not just from us but from people all over the world. Many of my friends have also helped them. Kyrie Irving bought them a house, rapper / producer Lil Wayne bought them a Mercedes and singer Barbara Streisand gave them Disney shares… ”he said.

According to ESPN, the Nets point guard gave them the money for the acquisition five or six months ago.

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, 46, died after his arraignment in which police officer Derek Chauvin remained kneeling for more than eight minutes on his neck.

Her ordeal, filmed and uploaded by a passerby, aroused emotion far beyond American borders and led millions of people to take to the streets of the country to demand police reforms and an end to racial violence.

Many NBA stars as well as other sportsmen had expressed their anger and Irving had opposed the imminent resumption of the season, interrupted by the coronavirus, believing that the time was for the fight against racial injustice and not basketball. A call not followed by his peers.

The 28-year-old has missed Brooklyn’s last seven games, citing personal reasons to which were added a quarantine for violating anti-Covid protocols, for attending an unmasked party, financial penalty as a bonus.

The mystery surrounding his absence remains however, some media having claimed that he was affected by the lack of legal proceedings, decided by a judge two weeks ago, against the police officer who had fired several bullets in the back of Jacob Blake in Kenosha (Wisconsin) at the end of August 2020.

This other drama had also shaken the country, motivating in particular the historic boycott of matches in the NBA at the initiative of the Milwaukee Bucks. A movement followed in other sports: baseball, football, tennis.



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