“In seven months I gained 14 kilos”: a historic Italian scorer revealed why he gained weight at Real Madrid

Antonio Cassano explains how he gained 14 kilos in seven months

Despite not being one of the most outstanding footballers at a sporting level at Real Madrid, the former striker Antonio Cassano left his mark on the whole merengue for his personality and also during his time with the Italian team in which he played 39 games, scoring 10 goals.

His signing and stay in the Spanish capital box was not one of the best of his career, taking into account that only registered activity during one season in the team (2006-07). He also revealed that during the period of his stay – which lasted from January 2006 to August 2007 – gained 14 kilos in seven months for his fanaticism to a food that one of the club’s sponsors gave him.

After his first months, in which there was more talk about his extra-sporting problems than his performance on the field, he arrived Fabio Capello to the bench. His situation did not improve and even it got worse to the point that he got to star in a confrontation with his coach.

The striker wore the colors of the merengue box between 2006 and 2007, before being loaned to Sampdoria

“When Capello arrived I made two goals in two games and I felt like the king of the world. He replaced me in the first half against Lyon, I fought with him in Jerez and he took me out of the team “, said the 38-year-old former player in an intimate talk given to the Italian chain BOBO TV, in which his former colleagues from the Azurri Fabio Cannavaro and Christan Vieri.

At the same time, and after ensuring that after his arrival in Madrid he had lost 12 kilos, Cassano acknowledged that with the arrival of his friend Cannavaro in July 2006, he gained weight again after ingesting excessively a well-known cream paste. cocoa and hazelnuts that are commonly used to make various desserts: Nutella he was one of the club’s sponsors and every month they gave us five kilos of product “.

“In seven months I gained 14 kilosI ate it directly from the pot, by the spoonfuls, and I didn’t care. It sucked “, the Italian lamented, while his former teammates did not stop laughing.

Cassano starred in a confrontation with coach Fabio Capello in Madrid (Shutterstock)

Cassano starred in a confrontation with coach Fabio Capello in Madrid (Shutterstock)

The truth is that before the arrival of Capello, Real Madrid was already looking for a way out for the footballer, who had arrived in early 2006 at the hands of Florentino Pérez, the president who finished his first term that same year.

With the white t-shirt played 29 games and scored only four goals. Later, after being separated by indiscipline, he returned to Italy to serve as a military officer in Sampdoria to the next market, a team to which he had come on loan and which ended up hiring him in mid-2007.


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