“If some people continue to speak badly of me, that is their business”: Gobert responds to the Shaq’s attacks

When we look for Rudy Gobert, we end up finding him. The great Shaquille O’Neal learned it the hard way. Never the last when it comes to saying bad things about the players who play in the position that he held during his illustrious career in the NBA (especially under the Lakers jersey), “the Shaq” did not hesitate to attack the solid gold contract signed by the French hub with the Utah Jazz ($ 205 million, or 167 million euros, over 5 years from 2021 to 2026). Statements which, added to a new provocation on social networks, ended up causing the French to react on Monday.


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O’Neal has thus delivered in recent days to particularly unfair criticisms of Gobert. “I’m not going to do the ‘hater’ (the envious). It should be an inspiration to all little children. You turn 11 points average in the NBA and you can get a contract at 200 million … “, he hissed with squeaky irony on the All Things Considered podcast.

I will continue to thwart the predictions

And as if that was not enough, the Shaq added a layer of it to his Instagram account, posting a photo montage of a fictitious duel of giants between the French and him, accompanied by the following message: “Against him, I would have scored 45 points, taken 16 rebounds and missed 10 free throws in three quarters. At the same time, he would have scored his 11 points, taken 4 rebounds and was taken off the field for committing 5 faults. “

If at first, the post seemed to make Gobert laugh who replied with a “I guess we’ll never know“, accompanied by a few smiles, the Frenchman ended up responding in a more serious tone on Monday.”If people want to keep talking about me badly, or to discredit him, that’s up to them, and it all also shows who they are. I will always be happy that a ‘brother’ (sic) thwarts the odds and succeeds. And I will continue to outsmart them“he tweeted.

Elected two seasons in a row best defender in the league, Gobert has made progress on the offensive side in recent years (he has averaged 16 points at the start of the season). And he again showed all his talent on the night of Sunday to Monday against Spurs (130-109), acting as an impassable wall inside with no less than 6 blocks. It remains to be seen to what extent the Shaq really thinks what he says, and if it is not above all a way of making the “show” with the traditional “trash talking” which NBA fans are fond of …


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Yesterday At 9:15 AM


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