IDK Euskotren starts 2021 in the fight for the play-offs

After having to postpone their meeting last week due to an outbreak of Covid-19 in the Rioja Promete Campus, the IDK Euskotren receives Al-Qázeres this afternoon in Gasca (6:00 p.m.) with the intention of not losing rope with the teams that they fight to get into the top eight. The Ibaeta-based team wants to add the first win of 2021 to qualify for the play-offs for the title at the end of the regular season.

On paper, Azu Muguruza’s team is the favorite before the penultimate of the classification, but it is not convenient to be overly confident because there have already been several scares with the teams below. What’s more, the Extremadura team has two fewer games and could come out of relegation positions.

You have to go back to December 27 to find the last meeting of the Gipuzkoans, when they fell in extra time against Ensino, after a tremendous exchange of blows. The IDK players are already recovered from the blow suffered against the Galician team, where a fatal last minute buried all their chances of victory.

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Azu Muguruza will have his entire squad to face an Al-Qázeres who will try to give the bell in Gasca. The Extremadura team is led by the Greeks Eleanna Christinaki, 15.6 points per game and 39% from the triple, and Maria Fasoula, a 1.96-tall insider who averages 12 points and six rebounds per game. IDK player Becca Hittner will face her former team until just a month and a half ago.



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